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Hot Air Balloon Ride over Luxor at Sunrise

Hot Air Balloon Ride over Luxor at Sunrise

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Early birds willing to roll out of bed while it’s still dark are rewarded with a bird’s-eye view of the West Bank on a dawn hot-air balloon ride. Balloon rides here take off just after sunrise and float over the West Bank, with its green farming fields tucked between the barren escarpments, viewing the area’s

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Valley of the Kings

Valley of the Kings

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Hidden between the rocky escarpments of Luxor’s west bank, the Valley of the Kings was the final resting place for the kings of the 18th, 19th, and 20th dynasties. Covered in intricately detailed, vibrant wall-paintings, the tombs are normally every visitor’s number-one stop on a West Bank visit. Since it was believed that the dead,

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Temple of Karnak

Temple of Karnak

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Of Luxor’s many monuments, the Temple Complex of Karnak has to be its most astonishing and beautiful feat. Within its precincts are the Great Temple of Amun, the Temple of Khons, and the Festival Temple of Tuthmosis III, as well as surrounding minor temples and sanctuaries. The complex is not built to a single unified plan. Instead, it represents

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